di hari trahkir bulan april, gw tadi nemuin kertas isinya alamat2 blog temen sekelas smua di tas gue -dunno, it came from nowhere-. isinya alamat blog tmen gw dari nomor absen 1 sampe nomor 36 (bahkan blog guru gue juga ada disitu -isinya tugas smua-) nah gw bukain dah tuh blog-blog tmn gw satu per satu.. oh smuanya cuma ngisi tugas doang. gak banyak yg ceritanya berlanjut sampe hari berikutnya. 1st entry gw kyknya berlaku buat mereka smua.
but well thats nothing compared what i've found on one of my friend's blog entry.
guess what?
a story about what happened on the way to baduy trip, and the outstanding marcel's trip to baduy.
2-2nya anjrit seru banget kyknya, gw baca critanya aja ngerasa gw pengen balik ke desember 2008 itu dan ikut kesana, walaupun cuma perjalanannya aja!! tapi itu gak mungkin, karena gw uda milih pas 2008 dec taun lalu itu buat nghadirin graduation kk gue di melben...
but surely, i wont regret anything, even because i cant go with my friend on that -maybe- once a lifetime travel experience(but later, i realized nothing ever repeated twice in the same condition and way) i've made my decision and it was right. nothing should be ashamed of or should be regretted for, because anyone that's die worrying about tommorow OR keep regretting what's happened in the past doesnt deserve to live.
29 April 2009
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wise words bin. :D