buat yang ada di melbourne sana.. wahai manusia-manusia winter summer fall spring alias bisa ngerasain enaknya 4 musim disana............[disini panas banget woi 33-34 terus seminggu ini]
ini ada oleh2 dikit dari jalan2 kuliner di restoran yg rasanya kalo engga diskon engga brani nyobain deh hha..[En Dining, Japanese Restaurant, Plaza Indonesia EX.]
sayang baru inget foto2 pas uda tinggal dessertnya doang -_- gomenasai.
tapi sebagai gantinya.. dikasi foto bon makannya, jadi bisa tau deh makan apa aja hahhaha.foto yg gambar roti trus ada eskrim vanila diatas ini.. namanya honey bread with vanilla ice cream [really obvious name] rasanya manisss, anget.. empuk. and that hand is pop's hand maybe... [CLICK HERE TO SEE FULLSIZE PICTURE]teus yang ini.. ini namanya eskrim greentea... yang cocok banget buat netralisir rasa manis dari makanan pertama tadi.. soalnya yg pertama tuh manissss, manis madu rotinya, manis eskrim vanilanya pula. ini namanya [ocha green tea ice cream] kalo enggak salah.....[CLICK HERE FOR FULLSIZE PICTURE]
yang ini mah cuma selingan doang.. biar tau apa yg dijual pdagang ps minggu musim skrg...hha.and that's the bill..before the 50% discount..
went to immigrant today, wanted to try another steak promo.
we ordered 2 types of steak. 1st one-sirloin, 2nd one-rib eye.
*15 minutes passed.....*
1st try: rib eye steak.
mom: "lemaknya banyak amat ni stik. bkn stik sapi ini mah... stik minyak niih.."
and followed by:
mom: " nah ini baru stik deh kayaknya.." when she tried the sirloin steak. (-_-)
but the best part ain't about the steak! it's about the dessert....
because we exceeded the 250.000 limit and also used platinum card,
the restaurant offered ONE free dessert ( "one" means only one right? but my mom always said things like this... "jgn satu dong... 2 ya mas yg gratisnya...boleh ya hehe.." dan ya pastinya kaga bakal boleh lah sama si abang immigrantnya!!)
after all it's still a free dessert, who wants to pass it out?
and so, we asked what kind of dessert do they offer, and there's around 4 selections that he told us, but none of us could really recognize the names..
but he mentioned "banana cheese muffin" and bravo! that sounds familiar.
so we decided to pick it up..
but the waiter suggested this for us instead that banana cheese muffin...
[ i forgot to take a pic until the dessert was around "half dead condition."]
to be sure what that thing really is,
step 1...
imagine a soft, hot chocolate cake with another hot chocolate filling.
done? then do step 2...
imagine a scoop of super creamy vanilla ice cream with traces of peanut in it.
done that too? good! and now...
imagine eating em together in one big bite!! - and i tell you.. its really, really good. -
this one tastes better compared to the steak that we already had before.
oh, and that board-like biscuit in the middle? that biscuit act as a "border" between the ice cream and the hot chocolate fudge, nothing special.
but what's the greatest thing about this, for mom?
"it's free."
11 September 2009
Posting Komentar (Atom)
bin...i love you!!!... blog nya bikin cc senyum senyum after working 9 am - 2 am on friday. terus saturday mulai kerja lagi 8 am. and its only 9.30 am on a sat.
BalasHapusbiar 4 musim dsini tetep jkt paling di cintah.
bin cc ketawa ngakak senyum lebar lebar baca ini.. this is so our family bangettttttttttt......gak nemu dehhhhh dimana mana....i can so imagine the situation there. btw. inggris kamu perlu di polish byk grammatical errors nya hahah... so thinking of language school di london next summer bins? i'll come and see you in london in june july. thats my plan bro.
BalasHapustau nih parah banget uda ancur2an hha.
BalasHapuskstau dong salahnya dmn.. I'd be happy to rewrite it.
coba kamu proof read lagi..baca skali lagi..terus identify..kalo masi ada salah ntar direvise lagi